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Veritas Forum
Global Medical Missions Alliance

Serve God through your gifts, in your interests

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." - 1 Peter 4:10

On-Campus Clubs

Write a poem for Cornerstone, interact with speakers at Veritas Forum, serve globally in GMMA, or sing choir in worship of the Lord. There's a space for everyone and every interest.

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Cornerstone Magazine

Christian Literary Magazine

We publish works of art, prose, and poetry of all denominational persuasions that exhibit intelligent and creative approaches to current events, history, and our Christian faith.

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Veritas Forum

Campus Dialogue

The Veritas Forum puts the Christian faith in dialogue with other beliefs and invites participants from all backgrounds to seek truth together.

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Global Medical Missions Alliance

Our focus is to awaken and mobilize Christ-passionate healthcare workers to join in God’s Kingdom work, and to network with others who are already in the mission fields.

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Harmonizing Grace

Gospel Choir

Harmonizing Grace Gospel Choir is a no-audition musical group on campus that invites students from all programs to participate– all levels and experience welcome!

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